Why Are We Getting Sick?

In Jesus’ day you became sick because you had not taken proper precautions against sin – you were not allowed to enter the temple because it was a holy place and because others there might be corrupted by your indiscretion. Those working on the front lines like priests and rabbis were held to be brave and noble because they were putting themselves at risk to keep the illness from spreading.

In medieval times it was assumed you had not taken proper precautions against evil and association with the devil – you were not allowed to enter the church because it was a holy place and because others there might be corrupted by your indiscretion. Those working on the front lines like priests were held to be brave and noble because they were putting themselves at risk to keep such diseases from spreading.

If you become sick in the this world it is assumed you had not taken proper precautions against contamination – you are not allowed to enter a church because many may gather at a place like that and because others there might be corrupted by your indiscretion. Those working on the front lines like doctors, nurses and scientists are held to be brave and noble because they are putting themselves at risk to keep illness from spreading.

It seems that, over several thousand years the popular explanation for disease has changed, yet becoming ill remains the fault of the individual because that individual was assumed to have not taken the precautions prescribed by those who “know”. And those who “know” are considered brave and noble.

We profess to have learned a great many things – yet we seem to actually know so little.
One thing we have certainly learned from history is that we learn almost nothing from history.

Perhaps you see the issue differently?

Copyright © 2020 Sam Dronebarger | All rights reserved
Remember — when you face the Son your shadows are behind you.

3 thoughts on “Why Are We Getting Sick?

  1. There is something about…if we don’t learn from history, we are forced to repeat it. I have my favorite history book right here beside me. God help me and help us to never forget…

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